Welcome to Salento - Salento for vacation
territory of Salento.

The Salentine coast
From Casalabate to Otranto
Casalabate, Torre Rinalda, Torre Chianca and Frigole
are fishing-villages on the stretch of coast from
Casalabate, where the Salentine Coastline ends, and
San Cataldo, where the Brindisi coastline begins.
Between Casalabate and Squinzano stands the fine
church of Santa Maria delle Cerrate with its small
Baroque well and frescoes which reveal Byzantine and
French influences.
The ancient church contains the remains of Roman
funeral monuments.
The portal arch is very beautiful; its six ashlars
show the Archangel Michael, the Visitation, the
Nativity, tlie Adoration of the Magi, the Baptism of
Christ, and a monk in prayer.
Santa Maria di Cerrate was the property of cardinals
and in 1711 was violently sacked by the Turks.
The wild beauty and dark green of the pinewoods and
copses here is very striking.
The vegetation is so luxuriant because of the
underground streams which eventually form the River
Idume near Torre Chianca; its waters are icy cold. A
thick network of inland roads connects even the
remotest farm-houses. If you reach one of these houses,
you can buy sheep's milk cheese, local wine.
Some of these farm-houses have been changed into '
trattorie '„ where you can enjoy a meal of kid cooked
over a charcoal fire or of freshly-caught fish just
taken from the basket, under a pergola.
Casalabate, Torre Rinalda, Torre Chianca and Frigole
also have bathing establishments with sandy stretches,
Frigole camping-site has a wonderful pine-wood
overlooking the sea in the background.
The whole coastline from San Cataldo to Torre Specchia
is lined with pinewoods.
San Cataldo is the bathing resort of the inhabitants
of Lecce.
The coastline stretches uniformly as far as San Foca,
the first village of fishermen, with a partly- natural
harbour, just in front of the tower of Charles V.
One side of the little port there is the beautiful
beach of «the brigantines», and on the other the beach
of «the oranges».
There is a hotel, too, and also a good number of
restaurants where you can eat very fresh fish at a
reasonable price.
The whole area is never overcrowded because it offers
a lot of coves, creeks, little walks for everyone:
there you can isolate yourself and bathe without
having to share your part of the beach with the crowd,
as happens in more popular holiday resorts.
A taste of ancient times can still be felt in Roca
Vecchia — with less than a hundred inhabitants —
containing the remains of p re-historic settlements
and numerous tombs with precious Apulian vases.
The most impressive village of Torre dell'Orso takes
its name from an ancient square tower and its wide
inlet and long beach are overhung by an inviting
pinewood. Torre Santo Stefano is a charming little
place with its deep blue sea, raild countryside.
Otranto is an awesome village of fishermen and
peasants: it is surrounded by a wall running along the
seaside for two hundred yards and by the mainland for
three hundred yards. The castle over-Hooking the town
was built by Alfonso of Aragon as soon as the Turks
left the town. In the old part of the town everything
appears as it was during the siege of the Turks: the
narrow roads going up to the ramparts, the tiny
staircases leading to the wee squares, the stone balls
launched by the Turkish bombards.
Municipalities of the
Acaya, Acquarica del Capo, Acquarica di Lecce, Alberobello, Alessano, Alezio, Alliste, Andrano, Aradeo, Arnesano, Bagnolo del Salento, Baia Verde, Bisceglie, Borgagne, Botrugno, Calimera, Campi Salentina, Cannole, Capilungo, Caprarica di Lecce, Carmiano, Carpignano Salentino, Casalabate, Casarano, Castri di Lecce, Castrignano del capo, Castro, Castro Marina, Cavallino, Collemeto, Collepasso, Copertino, Corigliano d'otranto, Corsano, Curs, Cutrofiano, Diso, Felline, Fontanelle, Frassanito, Frigole, Gagliano del Capo, Galatina, Galatone, Gallipoli, Gemini, Giuggianello, Giurdignano, Guagnano, Lecce, Lequile, Leverano, Lido Conchiglie, Lido Marini, Lido Pizzo, Lizzanello, Lucugnano, Maglie, Mancaversa, Mare Verde, Marina di Andrano, Marina di mancaversa, Marina di Novaglie, Marine di Ugento, Marina Serra, Martano, Martignano, Matino, Melendugno, Melissano, Merine, Miggiano, Minervino di Lecce, Monopoli, Montegrappa, Monteroni di Lecce, Montesano Salentino, Montesardo, Morciano di Leuca, Muro Leccese, Nardo, Neviano, Nociglia, Novoli, Ortelle, Ostuni, Otranto, Palmariggi, Parabita, Patu, Pescoluse, Poggiardo, Polignano a Mare, Porto Badisco, Porto Cesareo, Positano, Posto Rosso, Posto Vecchio, Presicce, Presicce, Pulsano, Racale, Rivabella, Roca Vecchia, Ruffano, Ruggiano, Salice Salentino, Salve, Sanarica, San Cassiano, San Cataldo, Sacesario di Lecce, San Donato di Lecce, San Foca, San Isidoro, Sannicola, San Pietro in Bevagna, San Pietro in Lama, Santa Caterina, Santa Cesarea Terme, Santa Maria al Bagno, Santa Maria di Leuca, Sant'Andrea, San Vito, Scorrano, Secli, Sogliano Cavour, Soleto, Specchia, Spongano, Squinzano, Sternatia, Struda, Supersano, Surano, Surbo, Taormina, Taurisano, Taviano, Tiggiano, Torre Chianca, Torre dell'Orso, Torre del Pizzo, Torre Inserraglio, Torre Lapillo, Torre Mozza, Torre Pali, Torre Rinalda, Torre San Giovanni, Torre San Gregorio, Torre Santo Stefano, Torre Specchia Ruggeri, Torre Squillace, Torre Suda, Torre Vado, Trepuzzi, Tricase, Tricase Porto, Tuglie, Ugento, Uggiano la Chiesa, Vanze, Veglie, Vernole,