This cheese’s origin meet humanity and primitive societies origins. Actually it developed when the man started to tame the animals and use the agriculture. In fact, the easiest animals to tame are cow, goat and sheep; they produce an high nutritious good: the milk. So time by time the man needed to save for long time the milk. Maybe by chance or maybe by his mind he discovered the cheese. The legend tells, once upon a time, an Arabic merchant had to cross the desert and he carried with his stuff some milk saved in kind of bag made by sheep stomach. Warmth, shacking and enzymes transformed the milk in “cagliata” (curdle). So the cheese was born. Fresh or mature cheeses are a precious mine for our body, because they have calcium, phosphorus, proteins and several vitamins..
Out of all cheeses, “Caciocavallo” is a typical south Italy cheese. Its names means “cheese on horse back” because they used to get it mature a couple of them on a stick as they are riding on a horse. The best Caciocavallo is the one by milk of cows that live in wild way because they have a varied feeding. Usually, Caciocavallo is made in a “masserie” (typical farms). In Gargano area the vegetation is rich of cereals and sheep that allow to produce particular cheeses. Typical cheeses are: Apulian Canestrato, Gargano Cacio and Caciofiore.
Caciocavallo processing:
When the curdle goes stringy and doen't get break, they do several portion of 2 or 3 Kg and they give them a spherical shape with a strangle piece on the top. Then they let Caciocavallo cheeses