get mature even two or more years. After this period, caciocavallo is covered of mould, the rind became hard and shining, inside is gold yellow, it’s got some slits where fat come out. Its taste is full body and it smells good. Caciocavallo can be spiced or sweet cheese.
grilled Caciocavallo
800 gr. Caciocavallo
Just grill a 1 cm. slices of Caciocavallo until it’s well done both sides and take it on the table.
Suggested Wine:
The wine we suggest to enjoy the grilled caciocavallo are: Cirò red classic, Aglianico del Vulture and classic Orvieto.
Canestrato is a hard not cooked cheese. It made by a particular seep breed milk. It’s named “Canestrato” because it get mature in a reed basket (canestro). June the 12th of 1996 it had the nomination D.O.P. (Protect origin nomitaion). It can be made only in Foggia county and 16 towns of Bari’s county. The season is from December to May. 
Canestrato processing:
The processing is very long, it depends from the shape they want give it. It can weigh 7 or 14 Kg. First they cook milk, temperature 33-35 degrees, add animal curdle, for 15 minutes. During all the processing they keep pressing the cheese in this typical basket (canestro), that give it the rough rind, so the humidity come out. Very important is salt processing too. There are two ways. First one they spread salt around cheese, second one they soak cheese in a salt solution. Usually salt processing starts three or four days after dairying in different steps. The mature processing keep for a year in fresh room. While this period they turn it upside down several time. At the end they rub the rind with extra virgin olive oil.